Comparative Study on Generic Technology Research Institutions in China and the United States ——Take Two Additive Manufacturing Research Institutes as Examples
Feng Yunhao, Cao Di, Wu Jinxi
School of Social Sciences,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
Abstract:The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NAMII)was the first research institute under the framework of the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI),and was later renamed “America Makes”.It was an important measure of the Obama administration to promote the re-industrialization of the United States.Similarly,the National Innovation Institute of Additive Manufacturing in Xi'an,China is one of the first batch of national manufacturing innovation centers to be deployed in “Made in China 2025”.Through the comparative analysis of two national additive manufacturing innovation research institutes in China and the United States,this paper explores the governance characteristics of typical industrial generic technology research institutions in the two countries.It is found that there are some differences between the two institutes in terms of resource investment,institutional management,collaborative innovation and development model.
冯云昊, 曹迪, 吴金希. 中美典型产业共性技术研究机构比较分析——以两个增材制造研究院为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(3): 166-175.
Feng Yunhao, Cao Di, Wu Jinxi. Comparative Study on Generic Technology Research Institutions in China and the United States ——Take Two Additive Manufacturing Research Institutes as Examples. , 2022(3): 166-175.
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