Abstract:In China,the crowdfunding for scientific research is still lagging behind.There are two factors restraining the public from participating in the crowdfunding for scientific research:one is its risk-return characteristic and lack of economic returns;The other is the trust dilemma between the both sides of crowdfunding.The logic mechanism that triggers the trust dilemma is analyzed from two aspects:trust source and trust transfer.The externality of scientific research activities guarantees that the crowdfunding for scientific research and public-private partnership are compatible with each other.In the mode of crowdfunding for scientific research based on public-private partnership,the public funds can relieve the trust dilemma between the both sides of crowdfunding through lead-investor mechanism,thus encouraging the public to participate in the crowdfunding for scientific research.China should build a crowdfunding platform for scientific research in a government-leading manner.To attain the desired results of the mode,it is necessary to enhance the social credibility of the platform.To this end,efforts should be made to strengthen system construction,pursue specialized development,lay down project returns,disclose and make public relevant information.The mode of crowdfunding for scientific research based on public-private partnership has multiple positive effects on scientific researchers,government sectors and the public.
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