The Mechanism of Career Calling on Innovative Behavior for National Defense Science and Technology Personnel
Zhou Jie1,2, Zhang Jianwei2, Xuan Xingyu3
1. Department of Police Management,Sichuan Police College,Luzhou 646000,China; 2. School of Humanities and Social Sciences,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China; 3. School of Public Administration,Shanxi University of Finance and Economics,Taiyuan 030006,China
Abstract:Based on the job demand-resource model and the cognitive evaluation theory of stress,a questionnaire survey was conducted among 404 national defense science and technology personnel.The results showed that there was a significant U-shaped relationship between career calling and emotional exhaustion,emotional exhaustion significantly and negatively predicted innovative behavior,and emotional exhaustion played a partial mediating role between career calling and innovative behavior.In addition,time pressure,challenge evaluation,and threat evaluation not only jointly moderated the curvilinear relationship between career calling and emotional exhaustion,but also jointly moderated the mediating effect of emotional exhaustion.Such that the curvilinear relationship between career calling and emotional exhaustion,and the mediating effect of emotional exhaustion were stronger under the conditions of high time pressure,low challenge evaluation and high time pressure,low threat evaluation.Finally,the theoretical contribution and practical implication of this study were discussed.
周洁 , 张建卫 , 宣星宇. 国防科技研发人员职业使命感对创新行为的作用机制[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(4): 58-67.
Zhou Jie, Zhang Jianwei, Xuan Xingyu. The Mechanism of Career Calling on Innovative Behavior for National Defense Science and Technology Personnel. , 2022(4): 58-67.
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