Classification of the Evidence of Think Tank and Construction of Decision Path Based on Evidence-Based Policy Making
Feng Jiahao1,2, Chen An1,3
1. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China; 2. School of Public Policy and Management,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China; 3. Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China
Abstract:With the rapid development of the informationalized society,the external environment of think tanks has undergone tremendous changes,and a large number of new interdisciplinary and cross-domain issues have challenged the traditional decision-making methods of think tanks.It is especially important to find the right decision path in a constantly changing environment.In order to provide theoretical support on the process fusion method(thind tank DIIS theory and method)from the perspective of evidence-based decision-making,this paper is inspired by the concept of evidence grading in evidence-based medicine,and puts the process of evidence-based policy making into the DIIS process and then puts forward a new path of think tank decision making.Finally,this paper uses a case to verify the rationality of this path.The case has proved that the decision-making path of think tanks based on the concept of evidence-based decision-making can optimize the decision-making process,and the output plan is scientific.
冯佳昊, 陈安. 基于循证决策理念的智库证据分级与决策路径建构[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(5): 156-166.
Feng Jiahao, Chen An. Classification of the Evidence of Think Tank and Construction of Decision Path Based on Evidence-Based Policy Making. , 2022(5): 156-166.
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