Research on the Growth Path of Strategic Science and Technology Talents Based on the Perspective of Survival Analysis
Qu Qunzhen1, Gao Siyu1, Wang Pengfei1, Tang Mengxue2, Gong Zhun3, Niu Ping4
1. School of Economics and Management,Shanghai Maritime University,Shanghai 201306,China; 2. Zhongtai Securities Company Limited Shanghai Research Institute,Shanghai 200210,China; 3. Normal College,Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China; 4. Exchange,Development & Service Center for Science & Technology Talents,The Ministry of Science & Technology,Beijing 100045,China
Abstract:Academicians of the Academy of Engineering provide important intellectual support for leading the implementation of the strategy of the country's scientific and technological power,and they are important part of strategic scientific and technological talents.Research on their growth has become the focus of many fields.This paper takes the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering co-opted from 2011 to 2019 as the research object,selects the resume information of 250 academicians and deeply encodes them,and uses survival analysis to study the effects of various factors in the growth of academicians.Kaplan-Meier analysis shows that the nature of the work unit has no significant effect on the growth of the professor stage,but the effect tends to be significant as they enter the academician stage.Cox analysis results show that the experience of studying abroad,the highest degree-granting unit is a research institute,and the published SCI and EI have a significant positive impact on the survival risk of the professor stage,thus accelerating the growth of the professor stage.The experience of continuous higher education reduces the survival risk of the academician stage and then delays the growth of the academician stage.Medical degree as the highest degree type,and the National Science and Technology Award increases the survival risk of the academician stage and accelerates the growth of the academician stage.
瞿群臻, 高思玉, 汪鹏飞, 唐梦雪, 宫准, 牛萍. 基于生存分析视角的战略科学家成长路径研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(7): 157-166.
Qu Qunzhen, Gao Siyu, Wang Pengfei, Tang Mengxue, Gong Zhun, Niu Ping. Research on the Growth Path of Strategic Science and Technology Talents Based on the Perspective of Survival Analysis. , 2022(7): 157-166.
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