Abstract:After combing and refining the 90-year development history of research areas of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the United States,it is found that research areas of the national laboratory has an enrichment process from less to more and forms ecological communities.The enrichment mechanism is as follows.Under the premise of restricting production factors in time and space,the diversified and collaborative participants use corresponding facilities-based means to integrate continuous value-added knowledge,and subjoined with policy integration functions,to enrich research areas of national laboratory through four methods of cultivation,development,consolidation and elimination,and results of enrichment have a reverse action on quality changes in time and space,subjects,means,knowledge,and policies,helping research areas of national laboratory to move into the next round of higher-level enrichment process.Based on the research findings,seven policy recommendations are put forward to promote the effective enrichment of the research areas of national laboratory.The research findings and policy recommendations provide a theoretical analysis framework and practical references for forming and developing research areas ecological communities of national laboratory.
聂继凯. 国家实验室研究领域富化机理研究——以劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(8): 49-57.
Nie Jikai. A Study on Enrichment Mechanism in Research Areas of National Laboratory: ——A Case from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. , 2022(8): 49-57.
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