Abstract:As a productivity that promotes socioeconomic development,science and technology have brought new profitable products and production methods.Meanwhile,there are technical risks and safety concerns that accompany technological and commercial innovations.Therefore,scientific regulation has emerged to prevent and control such risks while provide rationality and feasibility of government regulation on the basis of scientific assessment.As a typical scientific regulation,risk management decision-making in the food regulation also relies on the facts provided by scientific assessment.However,whether to restore the regulatory trust destroyed by the food and drug incidents or improve the social acceptance of technical foods such as genetically modified food,risk regulators need not only technical and economical rational inputs to understand risk information and knowledge but also political and moral considerations to responds to the concerns of consumers and the public.
孙娟娟. 科学型规制的演变与架构——以转基因食品规制为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(10): 25-30.
Sun Juanjuan. The Evolution and Status Quo of Scientific Regulation——The Case of Genetically Modified Food Regulation. , 2022(10): 25-30.
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