Abstract:To figure out how to transform science park into science city,this paper proposes the symbiotic innovation network model of“innovation core-entrepreneurship core-service core”and conducts a comparative research on the development model of the four future science cities of China with multiple cases.The research concludes that the innovation core,entrepreneurship core and service core consist of three stages in forming the symbiotic innovation network relationship of science cities,leading to four mechanisms.①The policy-driven mechanism which serves as the driving force as well as the pillar and exists in three evolution stages.②The elements convergence mechanism at the initial stage.③The collaborative governance mechanism at the development stage.④The module integration mechanism at the symbiotic stage.The research points out that the symbiotic innovation network model provides significant insights for staff workers and policy makers who are dedicated to the development of science cities.
王洋, 葛媛媛, 易高峰. 未来科技城共生创新网络发展机制——基于未来科技城的案例分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(10): 104-115.
Wang Yang, Ge Yuanyuan, Yi Gaofeng. Research on the Development Mechanism of the Symbiotic Innovation Network of the Future Science City——A Case Study Based on the Future Science Cities. , 2022(10): 104-115.
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