Abstract:In the late middle ages,technical standardization of western European guilds and early patent granting practices had mutually exclusive and mutually reinforcing influences.The technological and industrial revolutions strengthened the specialization and organization of technical standardization and the professionalism of patent agents.Patents played an important role in the formation of“bottom-up”technical standards in Britain,and technical standards in turn provided a basis for patent examination.From the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century,there were standardization types such as de facto technical standardization by monopoly companies,mandatory technical standardization by government departments,and negotiated technical standardization by civil societies.The place of patents in these standardizations varies.In the 20th century,with the establishment of international standard setting organizations,the process of internationalization of technical standards has been accelerated,and the competition for standard-essential patents has become increasingly fierce,especially in the ICT field.History shows that there is a dialectical relationship between technical standardization and patents.It is necessary to focus on“technical factors”to examine the standardization of patents,strengthen the anti-monopoly examination of patent licensing in factual technical standards,distinguish spaces accommodating patents among different types of technical standards,and construct and implement an effective standard-essential patent legal and policy system in the promotion of the national standardization strategy.
李宗辉. 技术标准化与专利关系的历史演进及启示[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(10): 127-137.
Li Zonghui. Historical Evolution and Revelation of Relationship Between Technical Standardization and Patents. , 2022(10): 127-137.
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