Pressure System,Political Mobility and the TTFS Diffusion ——An Event History Analysis of 208 Prefecture-Level Cities in China
Xi Hu1, Wang Yanxia2
1. School of Public Management,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China; 2. College of State Governance,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China
Abstract:The Technical Task Force System (TTFS)is an important underpinning for implementing the strategy of rural revitalization and three rural issues.The diffusion mechanisms of the institution from 1999 to 2016,however,have not been explored adequately.We tested the effects of pressure system and political mobility on the TTFS in 208 prefecture-level cities of China,by applying the traditional event history analysis.Our research provided the evidence that,provincial regulations,inside-provincial competition,and public opinion pressure,had significant positive effect on the adoption in prefecture-level cities.And,political mobility of party secretaries and mayors in prefecture-level cities,had no significant effect.
席虎, 汪艳霞. 压力型体制、官员流动与科技特派员制度扩散——面向208个地级市的事件史分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(11): 35-44.
Xi Hu, Wang Yanxia. Pressure System,Political Mobility and the TTFS Diffusion ——An Event History Analysis of 208 Prefecture-Level Cities in China. , 2022(11): 35-44.
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