Technological Relatedness,Irrelevant Diversification and Emerging Industry Development ——Evidences from China's E-sports Industry
Zhu Yixin1, Cheng Zhe2
1. School of Public Policy and Administration,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,China; 2. School of Public Administration,Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi'an 710055,China
Abstract:The development of emerging industries is closely related to the local industrial mix.Based on evolutionary economic geography,taking the E-sports industry as an example,we will examine the impact of technological relatedness and irrelevant diversified industries on emerging industries.The results found the followings.① The technology-related industries of China's E-sports industry have evolved from overall balanced development to concentrated development,presenting the spatial characteristics of “two superpowers,multiple powers”and “high in the east and low in the west”,and the irrelevant diverse industries tend to stabilize as a whole.②The development of emerging industries is significantly affected by the strength of local technology linkages,allowing related industries to enter quickly,and therefore usually have a relatively high growth rate.③When the strength of technological relevance reaches a certain level,regions with low irrelevant diversity tend to work in technology-related industries,while areas with higher irrelevant diversity tend to seek cross-industry cooperation.When the strength of technical relevance is insufficient,irrelevant diversity cannot work.④Government support can make up for the lack of local technological relatedness and irrelevant diversity,and quickly form industrial clusters.The research helps local governments to effectively select and develop emerging industries,and provide scientific decision-making support for making up for shortcomings in the development of emerging industries.
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