The Market Logic and the American Research Bubbles
Wang Xueqian1,2, Cai Zhong1,2
1. Department of Philosophy,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China; 2. Center for Contemporary Philosophy of Intelligence and the Future of Humanity,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China
Abstract:The scientific research is an undertaking that requires large-scale investment.While achieving corresponding achievements,it is possible to produce a phenomenon similar to an economic bubble in some parts.During the Cold War,the US government's irrational investment in the field of physics created the bubble of scientific research.The new scientific model attempts to use the market mechanisms to optimize the allocation of scientific research resources to avoidthe physics bubble.However,the market logic failed to cope with the scientific research bubble.Instead,it shifted the physics bubble to a new field with promising market prospects,which are manifested as the research results with low statistical efficiency,the lack of practical significance in application,the increase in the number of patents but the degradation in quality,etc.The reason for the formation of the bubble is traced to the fact that market logic replaces scientific logic,when a large amount of venture capital flows into the scientific research field,it will appear:exaggerated propaganda strategies,unhealthy decision-making orientation,and selection strategies to replace scientific exploration.At the same time,science can not be “instant falsification”and social psychological effects,making the bubble difficult to be identified in the short term,which leads to a new round of more severe scientific research bubbles,resulting in the unfulfilled promises of “scientific research”,followed by a crisis of investor confidence and a loss of public trust in science.
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