Abstract:Based on the input-output data of digital economy industries from 2003 to 2019,this paper measures the regional efficiency of the digital economy industries by SBM-DEA method.The spatial distribution of efficiency is depicted,and finally the Epanechnikov kernel density curve and Dagum Gini coefficient are used to reveal the evolution trend of digital economy industry efficiency in China and the United States.Through analysis,this paper finds the followings.①The total efficiency of China digital economy industry is higher than that of the US in the sample period,and the efficiency of China's digital economy industry is improving and the efficiency of the US digital economy industry is decreasing.②Regional gap in the efficiency of digital economy industry between China and the United States is expanding,the gap between digital economy industrial efficiency gap is more significant,China's gap mainly comes from the gap between the eastern and western regions,and the gap in the United States mainly comes from the gap within the region.③According to the nuclear density analysis,the nuclear density curve of China's digital economy is obvious,with no obvious right drag tail and no peak phenomenon.The probability density distribution is relatively uniform and there is no obvious polarization trend.The nuclear density curve of the industrial efficiency of the digital economy in the United States has a slight left shift trend,obvious single peak characteristics,right drag tail,and a trend of the industrial efficiency polarization of the digital economy.
赵新伟. 中美两国地区数字经济产业效率测算与动态演进实证分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(11): 182-188.
Zhao Xinwei. Efficiency Measurement and Dynamic Evolution of Digital Economy in China and the United States. , 2022(11): 182-188.