Whether “the Combination of Streamline Administration and Strengthen Regulation”Policy Motivate Private Enterprises' Innovative Vitality or Not
Liu Wei1, Gao Lixiang2
1. School of Business,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 201620,China; 2. Shanghai Chengtou Environment (Group)Co.,Ltd,Shanghai 200333,China
Abstract:This paper tries to use the difference in difference model to empirically test the policy effect of “the combination of streamline administration and strengthen regulation”policy on private enterprises'innovative vitality.The research shows that “the combination of streamline administration and strengthen regulation”policy which focuses on reducing administrative approvals,lowering the entry threshold and optimizing the business environment effectively promotes the innovation vitality of private enterprises.The corresponding parallel trend hypothesis,propensity matching score and placebo test further validates the robustness of the model.From the perspective of influence mechanism,this policy can effectively motivate private enterprises' innovative vitality through the two-way path of improving innovation efficiency and the supervision of private enterprises' management functions.From the perspective of heterogeneous effect, “the combination of streamline administration and strengthen regulation”policy has heterogeneous effects on enterprises' innovation vitality with different life cycle and different political linkage.Based on this,this paper puts forward corresponding policy suggestions on how to deepen the administrative functions about the combination of streamline administration and strengthen regulation.
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