Abstract:China has a new opportunity to foster international technological collaboration as Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)is in force since Jan.1st,2022.To improve Chinese technological impact,it is meaningful to compare technological collaboration of China and the U.S. with RCEP parties.We made a comparative analysis on the evolution of technological collaboration network between China and the U.S. with RCEP parties,and further identified key nodes and their collaboration modes based on complex network theory and PCT patents.Then empirical simulation via network attack was used to examine the robustness of the collaboration networks.The results showed the rise of China's technological collaboration with RCEP parties.However,there is still a large gap between China and the U.S. Both the networks of China and the U.S. are becoming loosely organized.Intermediary nodes are playing an increasingly important role in the network of the U.S. Among the most substantial nodes,universities and public research institutes,which function as key intermediaries,have wider range of partners while a large part of multinational companies has a higher degree of collaboration depth.The robustness of China's network depends on Tsinghua University,Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Huawei Technologies Co.,LTD.,which is generally weaker than the collaboration network of the U.S.
滕子优, 朱雪忠, 胡成. 中美与RCEP成员技术合作网络演化及稳定性研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(12): 169-178.
Teng Ziyou, Zhu Xuezhong, Hu Cheng. The Evolution and Resilience of Technological Collaboration Network of China and the U.S. with RCEP Parties. , 2022(12): 169-178.
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