Research on the Structure Characteristics and Cooperation Tendency of Trade Network on Digital Products
Zhao Wenxia1, Xi Yanling2, Yang Jingguo3
1. Institute of Marine and Port Economics,Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences,Tianjin 300191,China; 2. Research Institute for Eco-civilization,Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences,Tianjin 300191,China; 3. School of Economics and Statistics,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China
Abstract:Digital products trade is an important engine to drive the development of international trade.It is also of great significance to maintain the international competitiveness and the stability of industrial chain.By using social network analysis method,this paper studies the trade network structure on digital products from 2007 to 2020.The results show that the trade network of global digital products has the characteristic of “small world”,and China,the United States and some countries of Europe are in the core position in terms of trading capacity.Block model analysis shows that the trade of digital products is concentrated within some blocks,and the trade between blocks tends to increase in recent years.The heterogeneity analysis shows that China has obvious advantages in the field of digital products manufacturing,Germany and France have strong strengths in the field of digital technology application,while the United Kingdom,Germany and the United States have strong strengths in digital factor driving.To this end,it is suggested that we should promote the construction of digital infrastructure continuously,consolidate the advantages in the field of digital products manufacturing,grasp the opportunities of the expansion of free trade agreements,and improve the competitiveness of digital technology application and digital factor driven industries.
赵文霞, 席艳玲, 杨经国. 数字产品贸易网络结构特征与合作态势研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(2): 146-158.
Zhao Wenxia, Xi Yanling, Yang Jingguo. Research on the Structure Characteristics and Cooperation Tendency of Trade Network on Digital Products. , 2023(2): 146-158.
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