Abstract:This paper takes the Yangtze River Delta region as the research object, starting from the spatial scale of “province-city-county”, and analyzes the digital innovation distribution pattern and network structure characteristics of the Yangtze River Delta at different scales by using spatial correlation analysis, gravity force model, social network analysis, and uses QAP method to analyze the mechanism of difference of spatial network structure at different scales.The study found that the digital innovation activities presented obvious spatial differentiation patterns;city clusters and metropolitan areas are becoming the main spatial manifestations of digital innovation activities and networks;the formation and development of digital innovation networks in the Yangtze River Delta is the result of the interaction of various socio-economic factors.Based on this, policy recommendations for the construction of digital innovation networks are proposed, Localities should seize the Yangtze River Delta integration strategy to promote digital transformation through measures such as introducing digital talents and improving public transportation and digital infrastructure.
玄泽源, 段进军, 华怡宁, 姚孟超. 长三角数字创新网络空间结构演化及机制差异的多尺度分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(4): 63-72.
Xuan Zeyuan, Duan Jinjun, Hua Yining, Yao Mengchao. Spatial Structure Evolution and Mechanism Differences of Digital Innovation Networks in the Yangtze River Delta:from a Multi-Scale Perspective. , 2023(4): 63-72.
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