The Mechanism of Enterprises Bridging the Digital Divide ——A Case Study from Huawei
Zhang Nana 1, Ding Yike1, Mei Liang 2
1. School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 2. National School of Development, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract:In the era of digital economy, the digital divide problems such as uneven distribution of communication facilities and limited application scenarios of digital products have intensified the contradictions among countries, enterprises and users.Bridging the digital divide has become the key to the symbiosis of each subject.As the main body of the digital economy, enterprises play an important role in the generation and bridging of the digital divide.How to bridge the digital divide between enterprises and relevant social organizations and individuals? Prior literatures mainly focus on the causes and the solutions at the national and social levels, lacking researches on solutions to bridge the digital divide from the enterprise level.In view of this, this study uses the method of case study to track and analyze the process of Huawei bridging the digital divide, in order to answer the important question of ‘how to bridge the digital divide between enterprises and other organizations and individuals in society’.The findings are as follows.①The enabling mechanism based on the main business of enterprises is an important way for enterprises to bridge the digital divide.Around its main business, the case enterprise bridges three types of digital divide through the step-by-step enabling mechanism of “from infrastructure to product design to knowledge transfer”, and then achieve symbiosis with partners, product users and the public.②In the process of specific actions, the case enterprise bridges the digital divide in stages by setting practical goals, implementation strategies and focus areas.These findings on the mechanisms of bridging the digital divide can help provide guidance and reference for other enterprises to bridge the digital divide based on their own products/services in the digital economy.
张娜娜, 丁沂珂, 梅亮. 企业弥合数字鸿沟的微观机制——来自华为的案例研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(4): 113-121.
Zhang Nana, Ding Yike, Mei Liang. The Mechanism of Enterprises Bridging the Digital Divide ——A Case Study from Huawei. , 2023(4): 113-121.
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