Abstract:The transformation of the business format triggered by the digital economy is both an opportunity and a challenge for women' development.This paper aims to examine the impact of digital economy on the gender structure of R&D personnel.Drawing on the theoretical background and current indicators of the gender structure imbalance of R&D personnel from the perspectives of social stratification and labor employment in the scientific community, this study explores the potential mechanisms of the digital economy affecting the gender structure of R&D personnel and proposes hypotheses.Based on two groups of panel data from 30 provinces and 72 cities in China, parametric and semi-parametric econometric regression models are used to conduct empirical tests.The results of the inter-provincial data test show that when gender and socioeconomic variables are contralled, there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between the digital economy and the proportion of female R&D personnel, and the regression based on urban data further captures the existence of the second inflection point.The ranking comparison results indicate that in the early-developed areas of the digital economy (excluding Beijing and Changchun), the ranking order of female R&D personnel is not the same.In some late-developing regions, their proportion is higher.This study highlights the dual and limited impact of the digital economy on the gender structure of R&D personnel.In the future, as digital technology continues to expand and optimize the role of the gender structure of R&D personnel, it is necessary to pay attention to deeper factors such as social gender values and culture.
杨浩东, 赵艺璇, 王高峰. 数字经济背景下的研发人员性别结构研究:鸿沟加剧还是弥合[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(4): 178-188.
Yang Haodong, Zhao Yixuan, Wang Gaofeng. Gap Widening or Closing? Research on the Gender Structure of R&D Personnel in the Context of Digital Economy. , 2023(4): 178-188.
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