Research on the Construction of Legal System of Liability for Breach of Technology License Contract Based on Risk Management
Xie Ruiqiang1, Zhu Xuezhong1,2
1. School of Economics and Management,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China; 2. Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China
Abstract:As an important way of technology transfer and achievement transformation,technology licensing has been a subcategory of technology transfer in China's legal system for a long time,lacking targeted legal system arrangement and construction.Due to the widespread existence of information asymmetry in the process of technology licensing,both parties of technology licensing may have the risk of breach of contract in the aspects of contracting,payment,transfer, implementation,etc.,thus blocking the realization of the purpose of licensing,resulting in the waste of enterprise resource investment and the occurrence of negative social externalities.The legal system for breach of contract liability in technology licensing contracts based on breach risk management can effectively reduce information asymmetry and uncertainty in the technology licensing process.This system can also guide the subject of technology licensing contracts to form a responsibility expectation for their own behavior.From the perspective of risk management of technology licensing,this paper takes the relevant contents of the technology licensing contract in the contract series of the civil code of China as the main analysis blueprint,and puts forward relevant suggestions on the construction of the legal system of liability for breach of technology licensing contract,providing a new research perspective for the prevention and management of the risk of breach of technology licensing.
谢瑞强, 朱雪忠. 基于风险管理的技术许可合同违约责任法律制度构建研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(7): 139-146.
Xie Ruiqiang, Zhu Xuezhong. Research on the Construction of Legal System of Liability for Breach of Technology License Contract Based on Risk Management. , 2023(7): 139-146.
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