Same Destination,Different Career Advancement: An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Transnational Academic Mobility Among Chinese High-level Talents
Pan Hong1, Tang Li2
1. School of Public Policy and Administration,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China;
2. School of International Relations and Public Affairs,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China
Abstract:Talent is the foundational and strategic pillar for prosperous national building.Despite that transnational academic mobility is well perceived as an effective way of accumulating social and intellectual capital,its role of impacting the career advancement of overseas returnees remains largely under-explored.Focusing on China's“Changjiang Scholar Program”this study constructs and utilizes a novel curriculum vitae dataset of 1782 Changjiang Distinguished Professors and investigates the heterogeneous effect of transnational academic mobility on the career development of China's high-level talents.This study reveals that all transnational academic mobility,regardless of types,affects career development,but such effect varies significantly by types of transnational academic mobility.In terms of overseas study experience,scholars in humanities and social sciences who have overseas PhD degree and scholars in engineering and technology who have overseas joint-degree accelerate their career development.With regard to overseas work experience,full-time working experience accelerates career development,while temporary overseas visit delays returnees'academic career development.Tentative explanations and policy implications are discussed in the end.
潘虹, 唐莉. 殊途同归不同效:高层次人才跨国流动影响职业发展的实证研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(7): 159-169.
Pan Hong, Tang Li. Same Destination,Different Career Advancement: An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Transnational Academic Mobility Among Chinese High-level Talents. , 2023(7): 159-169.
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