Abstract:Based on the panel data from 30 regions in China from 2015 to 2019,this paper discusses the impact of the application of industrial robots on technological innovation,and investigates the threshold effect of synergetic agglomeration of producer services and manufacturing on the impact using panel threshold model.The results show the followings.①The application of industrial robots has a significant contribution to technological innovation,and this effect is significant in the regions with low labor cost and not significant in the regions with medium and high labor cost.②There is a single threshold effect in the impact of the application of industrial robots on technological innovation when taking the synergetic agglomeration as threshold variable.Along with the value of the synergetic agglomeration crossing the threshold value,the impact of the application of industrial robots on technological innovation turns from negative to positive.③For the synergetic agglomeration of the segmented industries of producer services and manufacturing,there are single threshold effects in the industries of wholesale and retail trade,information transmission,software and information technology services,financial business and scientific research and technical services.The coefficient of the application of industrial robots in scientific research and technical services turns from negative to positive,and the remaining three industries all changed from insignificant to significant positive.In the future,China should accelerate the application of robots across all industries,and promote the development of industrial integration by enhancing synergetic agglomeration,to achieve sci-tech self-reliance and self-strengthening at higher levels.
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