Research on the Evolution Path of Adaptive Behavior of Industry-University-Research Institute Innovation Subjects ——A Case Study Based on Grounded Theory
He Shengsheng, Chi Jingming, Zhang Xuwen
Graduate School of Education, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Abstract:The adaptive behavior of innovative subjects in the industry-university-research institute innovation ecosystem is an important way to realize collaborative innovation.Based on the theory of complex adaptive system to analyze the internal logic of the adaptive behavior of the industry-university-research institute innovation subject, the adaptive behavior of the industry-university-research institute innovation subject is the active construction process of the subject's self-selection and self-regulation.The industry-university-research institute innovation subject adapt to each other, generating complex dynamic patterns of complex adaptive systems, and promoting the continuous evolution of the industry-university-research institute innovation ecosystem.Then, focusing on the exploratory cases of D University and S Group, the grounded theory is used to condense the evolution path of the adaptive behavior of the industry-university-research institute innovation subject, which needs to go through three stages of creative search, adaptive selection, conscious variation.Therefore, the adaptive behavior process of industry-university-research institute innovation subjects is a process of spiraling forward under the combined action of creative search, adaptive selection, conscious variation.
何声升, 迟景明, 张旭雯. 产学研创新主体适应性行为演进路径研究——基于扎根理论的案例研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(9): 38-47.
He Shengsheng, Chi Jingming, Zhang Xuwen. Research on the Evolution Path of Adaptive Behavior of Industry-University-Research Institute Innovation Subjects ——A Case Study Based on Grounded Theory. , 2023(9): 38-47.
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