Import of Intermediate Goods,Independent Innovation and Upgrading of Enterprises' Global Value Chain
Hu Guoheng1,2, Hu Peng1, Liu Shan3
1. School of Business,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007,China; 2. Digital Trade Research Center,Zhejiang Yuexiu University,Shaoxing 312000,China; 3. School of Economics and Management,Northwest University,Xi'an 710127,China
Abstract:Based on the expanded C-D production function,this paper introduces the interaction mechanism of intermediate imports,independent innovation and enterprise GVC upgrading by incorporating the behavior of intermediate imports and independent innovation,and makes an empirical analysis using the matching data of China's industrial enterprise customs patent database.The results show that the import of intermediate goods can only promote the enterprises to embed in the downstream links of GVC and improve their GVC status,and this effect decreases marginally with the extension of the enterprise's life cycle;Independent innovation can promote enterprises to embed GVC upstream and downstream links to achieve GVC upgrading,but the upgrading effect of embedding GVC upstream links is greater than that of embedding GVC downstream links,and the upgrading effect of enterprises in the growth and mature periods is greater than that of enterprises in the start-up and recession periods;In addition,the impact of independent innovation on enterprises' GVC upgrading has a double threshold effect due to the different import levels of intermediate goods:independent innovation and lower level intermediate goods import replace each other,inhibit enterprises' GVC upgrading,and independent innovation and higher level intermediate goods import complement each other to promote enterprises' GVC upgrading.
胡国恒, 胡鹏, 刘珊. 中间品进口、自主创新与企业全球价值链升级[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(10): 85-94.
Hu Guoheng, Hu Peng, Liu Shan. Import of Intermediate Goods,Independent Innovation and Upgrading of Enterprises' Global Value Chain. , 2023(10): 85-94.
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