Research on the Basic Research Impact on the Technological Development of High-Tech Enterprises——From the Perspective of Enterprise Invention Citing Papers
Gao Jiping, Zhao Jing
The Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China,Beijing 100038,China
Abstract:This paper takes Huawei Technologies Co., an example,based on the US grant inventions from 2010 to 2019,and carries out an empirical analysis through the basic research results reflected in the papers cited in the inventions.Firstly,by integrating the co-citation analysis,network analysis,cluster analysis and cluster labeling,the analysis model of enterprise technological progress from the basic research is established.Through statistical analysis and network analysis,we find that the mainly basic research results are from the United States universities and international well-known enterprises.At the same time,huawei's own basic research achievements are also an important source of huawei technology progress,even more than Chinese Academy of Sciences and some famous universities in China.Finally,through clustering labeling,Huawei's techniques in “Error Detection and Prevention in Data Communication” “IEEE 802.11 wireless link” “Computer Data processing system” “Network Usage and operation Monitoring in Data communication” “General electrical engineering in data communications” “radio transmission systems” “mobile radio transceivers” “Power control and Protection in data communications”have benefited from the results of basic research,some of which play an important role in the cluster connecting.
高继平, 赵婧. 基础研究对高技术企业技术发展的影响研究——基于企业发明专利引用论文视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(11): 87-96.
Gao Jiping, Zhao Jing. Research on the Basic Research Impact on the Technological Development of High-Tech Enterprises——From the Perspective of Enterprise Invention Citing Papers. , 2023(11): 87-96.
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