Abstract:The establishment of innovation chain dominated by leading enterprises is beneficial to improve the overall efficiency of innovation chain.Previous studies lacked to explore the structural characteristics and synergy mechanism of innovation chain from the perspective of leading enterprises.This paper adopts an exploratory case study method and selects Huawei as the case object to explore this issue.The results show the followings.①Each stage of the leading enterprises' innovation chain has a correlation and interaction relationship,the relationship between agents in the leading enterprises' innovation chain includes symbiosis,competition and cooperation,the structural characteristics of leading enterprises' innovation chain are multi-stage correlation interaction and multi-agent symbiosis and competition.②Leading enterprises have adopted two types of mechanisms,centralized control and directional incentives,to promote the collaborative innovation of multiple agents in the innovation chain.The two types of mechanisms belong to the two dimensions of control and incentives,and have dual characteristics.This paper contributes to the research on the structure and synergy mechanism of innovation chain,and provides reference for the construction of innovation chain of leading enterprises.
邵记友, 杨忠, 汪涛, 丁琨. 以领军企业为核心主体的创新链:结构特征与协同机制[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(11): 97-107.
Shao Jiyou, Yang Zhong, Wang Tao, Ding Kun. Research on the Structure Character and Collaborative Mechanism of Leading Enterprises' Innovation Chain. , 2023(11): 97-107.
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