Research on Configuration Mode and Enlightenment of S&T Resource Allocation in the United States——fsQCA Analysis Based on 50 State Administrative Divisions
Yang Bangxing, Du Baogui, Zhang Zhixuan
College of Humanities & Law,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110169,China
Abstract:In order to reveal the allocation pattern of science and technology resources in the United States,and provide reference for China to formulate competitive coping strategies and grasp the initiative of science and technology game,this study takes the 50 state-level administrative divisions of the United States as the research sample,and explores the influencing factors and configuration relationship of their scientific and technological resource allocation on innovation efficiency through the fsQCA method.The study found the followings.①It is difficult for a single allocation factor of scientific and technological resources to be a necessary condition to promote high or low innovation efficiency in the United States.②There are five modes in the allocation of science and technology resources to achieve high innovation efficiency in the United States:total factor driven,industry-university synergy driven,industry driven,industry-research synergy driven,and university-research synergy driven.③There are significant spatial clustering differences in the allocation mode of science and technology resources and the realization of high or low innovation efficiency in the United States.This study enriches the pre-factors and configuration relationship that affect the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation under different ideologies,and provides reference for China to optimize the allocation of scientific and technological resources and respond to the challenges of international scientific and technological competition.
杨帮兴, 杜宝贵, 张植炫. 美国科技资源配置组态模式及启示——基于50个州级行政区划的fsQCA分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(11): 160-169.
Yang Bangxing, Du Baogui, Zhang Zhixuan. Research on Configuration Mode and Enlightenment of S&T Resource Allocation in the United States——fsQCA Analysis Based on 50 State Administrative Divisions. , 2023(11): 160-169.
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