Digital Transformation,Technological Innovation and Achievement Transformation of High-Tech Industries
Yu Liping1, Zhu Ying2, Jin Peng3, Zhang Hongru4
1. School of Statistics and Mathematics,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou 310018,China; 2. Hangzhou Urban Construction Development Group Co.,Ltd,Hangzhou 310000,China; 3. College of Finance and Information,Ningbo University of Finance and Economics,Ningbo 315175,China; 4. Business School,Yancheng Teachers University,Yancheng 224002,China
Abstract:There is still a lack of in-depth analysis on the mechanism of digital transformation on regional technological innovation and achievement transformation.The research of innovation chain based on digital transformation-technological innovation-transformation of scientific and technological achievements is of great significance.This paper takes the high-tech industry as the object,on the basis of theoretical analysis,a comprehensive use of simultaneous equation model,panel threshold regression model,Bayesian vector autoregression model for analysis.The results show that digital transformation of high-tech industry has a positive effect on technological innovation and achievement transformation.Innovation achievements play an intermediary role in the impact of digital transformation on the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.With the improvement of digital transformation level,its elasticity to innovation results gradually decreases,indicating the low level of digital transformation,and it is difficult to further play the role of technological innovation.With the improvement of the digital transformation level,its elasticity to the transformation of scientific and technological achievements gradually decreases,which further proves that the digital transformation level is not high.There is a poor coordinating relation between R&D spending and digital transformation.
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