Abstract:Relying on digital technology,the digital social innovation (DSI) has rapidly developed into an emerging social innovation mode.DSI uses digital technology to solve social needs and challenges faced by modern society,therefore it can further enhance people's welfare and promote social progress.Although many theoretical and practical studies on DSI have become a hot topic abroad,research in this field is still scarce in China.This paper collects 919 cases and 120 projects from abroad and classifies categories and features of foreign DSI practices,based on practical perspective.Research results show that the practice fields of DSI can be divided into seven parts including digital democracy,regional development,social inclusion,employability and opportunities,education,healthcare,and environment improvement,and further analyzed the differences in DSI practices between developed and developing countries.Through analysing the DSI projects,the article extracts four features of DSI named as inclusiveness,interactivity,diffusion,and technology.In addition,the paper concludes the implications of foreign DSI practices for China.
徐旭初, 徐之倡, 吴彬. 从社会创新到数字社会创新:国际实践、基本特征与经验启示[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(12): 168-177.
Xu XuChu, Xu Zhichang, Wu Bin. From Social Innovation to Digital Social Innovation: International Practices,Basic Features and Empirical Insights. , 2023(12): 168-177.
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