The New System for Mobilizing Resources Nationwide in the Background of Self-Reliance and Self-Improvement in Science and Technology:Basic Concept,Scope of Application and Construction
Yang Yang, Li Zhe, Han Junhui
Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Beijing 100038,China
Abstract:As entering the new development stage,achieving a high level of self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology is becoming the strategic support and necessary requirements.The construction and improvement of the new system for mobilizing resources nationwide for key technology research is the important measure.This article believes that in the context of technological self-reliance and self-improvement,we should focus on the following key points in order to further improve the new system for mobilizing resources.First,in terms of basic connotation,the key to understanding the new system for mobilizing resources nationwide is to simultaneously grasp the original core of“nationwide”and the new core of“the new system”,and correctly understand the relationship between the two cores.Second,in terms of scope of application,the prerequisite for applying the new system for mobilizing resources nationwide is to propose strategic S&T tasks with clear needs that are difficult to break through solely through market competition,and to pay attention to the dynamic evolution of the scope of application.Third,in terms of construction ideas,we should focus on fully leveraging the role of the country as a major organizer of scientific and technological innovation,promote relevant reforms with systematic thinking,strengthen the decision-making and command system at the central level,improve the organizational and management system for technological breakthroughs,and establish a policy system that is suitable for the new system for mobilizing resources nationwide.Finally,in promoting implementation,the current focus should be determined according to the priority and difficulty of the matter.
杨洋, 李哲, 韩军徽. 科技自立自强背景下的新型举国体制:基本内涵、适用范围与构建思路[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(1): 1-6.
Yang Yang, Li Zhe, Han Junhui. The New System for Mobilizing Resources Nationwide in the Background of Self-Reliance and Self-Improvement in Science and Technology:Basic Concept,Scope of Application and Construction. , 2024(1): 1-6.
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