The Internal Mechanism and Optimization Path of the Construction of Innovative Consortia of High-Level Research Universities Enabled by the Smart Cluster Platform
Zhou Yanfang1, Gu Qingyao2
1. North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power,Zhengzhou 450045,China; 2. School of Information Science and Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
Abstract:Industrial technology breakthrough and technology industrialization cannot be seperated from the innovation consortium.Therefore,how to effectively improve the construction level of innovation consortia has become an urgent problem to be studied.In the context of the Internet era,the smart cluster platform has provided a feasible solution to the operational efficiency of the innovation consortium.Therefore,it is imperative to carry out research on how the smart cluster platform can enable the construction of the innovation consortium of research universities.In this study,grounded theory was adopted to analyze the characteristics of the smart cluster platform.At the same time,the development status variables of the innovation consortium construction of high-level research universities were obtained,and 4 categories and 3 categories were obtained respectively.After indexing the concepts and categories obtained,the questionnaire research proved that the questionnaire has good reliability and validity.As a result,the optimization path was proposed to provide feasible suggestions for the construction of the innovation consortium of high-level research universities.
周艳芳, 顾青瑶. 智慧集群平台赋能高水平研究型大学创新联合体建设的内在机理与优化路径[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(1): 16-26.
Zhou Yanfang, Gu Qingyao. The Internal Mechanism and Optimization Path of the Construction of Innovative Consortia of High-Level Research Universities Enabled by the Smart Cluster Platform. , 2024(1): 16-26.
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