Abstract:The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized the need to strengthen the deep integration of enterprise-led industry-university-research (IUR)cooperation.Supporting enterprises in jointly promoting scientific and technological cooperation with research institutions,and utilizing market forces to lead the breakthroughs in key generic technology (KGT)research,has become an important issue to be urgently addressed.Based on the data of Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share main board equipment manufacturing listed companies during 2011—2020,this paper examines the impact of enterprise-led IUR cooperation (in terms of breadth and depth)on KGT innovation,and the moderating effect of enterprises' structural power (including hierarchical authority,network centrality and resource control).The results show that the breadth and depth of enterprise-led IUR cooperation have an inverted U-shaped impact on KGT innovation.Further examining the moderating role of structural power,it shows that enterprises' hierarchical authority and network centrality can weaken the negative impact of excessive broadening or deepening of enterprise-led IUR cooperation on the KGT innovation.However,enterprises' resource control will strengthen the inverted U-shaped impact of the breadth and depth of enterprise-led IUR cooperation on the KGT innovation.Based on the dominant-subordinate relationship between the subjects of IUR cooperation,this paper expands previous research on the technological innovation effect of IUR cooperation,introduces the structural power of enterprises into the analysis framework of technological innovation effect of IUR cooperation,and also provides important inspirations for the practice of China's equipment manufacturing enterprises to break KGT innovation.
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