Abstract:This study researches the science and technology linkages between China and the United States as a whole and in the field of semiconductor from the perspective of the innovation chain.This paper divides the innovation chain into three dimensions of science,technology and industry,and takes papers,patents and trade as the characterization of each dimension to construct a index system,and on this bases,forms the U.S. -China science and technology linkage model.Based on the index model,this paper analyzes the situation and changing trend of science and technology linkages between China and the United States as a whole and in the semiconductor field since the beginning of this century,and studies the changing patterns and characteristics of U.S. -China linkages in different links of the innovation chain.The data show that,on the whole,there has been a trend of weakening scientific and industrial connections between China and the United States.In the semiconductor field,there has also been a decline in science and technology linkages.But the actual trend of U.S. -China science and technology linkages in the future needs a longer period of observation and research.
张艾黎, 程如烟, 姜桂兴. 创新链视角下的中美科技关联研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(6): 153-166.
Zhang Aili, Cheng Ruyan, Jiang Guixing. The Study on U.S. -China Science and Technology Linkages from the Perspective of Innovation Chain. , 2024(6): 153-166.
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