International Image Building and Science and Technology Cooperation Paths for Early-Stage Sci-Tech Platforms ——Analysing Western Mainstream Media Coverage of Major Chinese Sci-Tech Platforms
Wang Weili1, Wang Haiwen2
1. School of Journalism and New Media,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,China; 2. Shaanxi International Science and Technology Cooperation Association,Xi'an 710086,China
Abstract:This study analyses the news coverage by four prominent Western media outlets-The New York Times (USA),The Times (UK),The Australian (Australia),and the Toronto Star (Canada)-of three major Chinese science and innovation hubs:Zhongguancun Science Park in Beijing,Zhangjiang High-tech Park in Shanghai,and Nanshan Science Park in Shenzhen,over the past 35 years.Supplementing this analysis are over 40000 media reports and business data sources focusing on startup science and innovation platforms,exemplified by Shaanxi's Qin Chuang Yuan.Employing content analysis,the study categorises and codes four key areas:foundational information of media reports,themes,source types,and descriptions relating to the science and innovation platforms.Computer-assisted topic modelling is used for thematic and hierarchical clustering of these reports.The study aims to uncover similarities and differences in the coverage,exploring the underlying reasons and logic.The findings reveal that coverage of Chinese science and innovation platforms has limited correlation with Western public agendas,shows a general interest in specific themes but varying focal points,and is significantly influenced by the formation of mutual interests.Consequently,the study proposes paths based on empirical data to enhance this image.These include aligning startup platforms with global public agendas,integrating them into global economic discourse using economic framing,and developing models based on shared human values.Additionally,it suggests employing sophisticated narratives for more effective image construction in the current media and cognitive environment,thereby fostering international technological cooperation.
王威力, 王海文. 初创科创平台的国际形象构建与国际科技合作策略——以西方主流媒体对中国大型科创平台的报道为鉴[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(6): 167-177.
Wang Weili, Wang Haiwen. International Image Building and Science and Technology Cooperation Paths for Early-Stage Sci-Tech Platforms ——Analysing Western Mainstream Media Coverage of Major Chinese Sci-Tech Platforms. , 2024(6): 167-177.
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