Whether There is an ICT Productivity Paradox in the Process of China's Manufacturing Industry Embedding into the High End Global Value Chain
Song Xianping1, Yu Wenqing2
1. Institute of State Governance,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China; 2. School of Education,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China
Abstract:Digital technology has become a key driver for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing sector,with the focus on China's manufacturing industry's ascension within the global value chain being a critical issue for fostering innovation and boosting economic returns.By advancing in value networks,ecological networks,technological networks,and individualized networks,digital technology elevates manufacturing value chains,supply chains,innovation chains,and service chains to new heights.However,whether digital technology can break through the traditional productivity paradox to enhance total factor productivity and ultimately propel China's manufacturing industry to a leading position within the global value chain is a subject worthy of further investigation.Empirical analysis of the UIBE GVC data reveals a significant boost in digital technology's role in deepening China's manufacturing industry's integration within the global value chain.Industry heterogeneity analysis shows that digital advancements have substantial positive effects on technology-intensive,labor-intensive,and capital-intensive sectors in China,with the strongest positive impact observed in capital-intensive industries,where digital technology strengthens the manufacturing sector's ability to integrate within the global value chain.To address the challenges faced during China's digital manufacturing transformation,a collaborative effort involving government guidance,fostering industrial innovation,and promoting enterprise collaboration is essential for collectively advancing the country's manufacturing industry's position within the global value chain.
宋宪萍, 于文卿. 中国制造业高端嵌入全球价值链的过程中是否存在信息技术生产率悖论[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(8): 23-32.
Song Xianping, Yu Wenqing. Whether There is an ICT Productivity Paradox in the Process of China's Manufacturing Industry Embedding into the High End Global Value Chain. , 2024(8): 23-32.
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