Design and Reform of Relevant System of Technology Transformation in Japanese Enterprises:The Success and Failure of Toyota Motor
Pan Motao1, Lang Fengqiao2, Zhang Yundong2
1. School of Politics and Public Administration,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China; 2. CNPC Economics and Technology Research Institute,Beijing 100120,China
Abstract:As a developed country,Japan's enterprise success depends on technology leadership to obtain development space,and its related institutional environment is unique and worth studying.By discussing the overall institutional environment that Japanese enterprises faced in the process of technology transformation,including the management philosophy that emphasizes technology over market,the international environment that exists in the gap between East and West,the influence of traditional institutions and regional culture,and the several changes in the relationship between government-market institutions,this paper introduces the discussion on the institutional characteristics of Toyota Motor,such as the internal lean management system path dependence,the external feudal“screen system”relationship between enterprises,and so on.It points out that Toyota Motor is facing institutional difficulties in market information,internal management,government-enterprise relationship,social culture and other aspects,leading to the phased“failure”of technology transformation.Finally,on the basis of the reasoning and judgment of the direction of Toyota's technology transformation in the future period,the regular cognition of the relevant institutional issues of enterprise technology transformation is formed,and lessons are drawn to guide Chinese enterprises to further improve the efficiency of technology transformation and reduce institutional costs.
潘墨涛, 郎峰翘, 张运东. 日本企业技术转化相关制度的设计与变革——丰田汽车的“成”与“败”[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(9): 178-188.
Pan Motao, Lang Fengqiao, Zhang Yundong. Design and Reform of Relevant System of Technology Transformation in Japanese Enterprises:The Success and Failure of Toyota Motor. , 2024(9): 178-188.
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