Transnational Mobility Patterns of Overseas Talents from China and Their Impact on Career Development upon Returning ——Anempirical Analysis Based on Shanghai
Sun Yulei1, Wu Ruijun2
1. School of Marxism,Northwest Normal University,Northwest Frontier Politics and Governance Research Center, Lanzhou 730070,China;
2. School of Social Development,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200300,China
Abstract:In the globalization era,the dynamics of talent transnational mobility characterized by its multidirectionality,interactivity,and personalization have diversified. Drawing on the 2021 Shanghai Overseas Chinese Survey,starting from the cyclical perspective of talent mobility,this paper develops an analytical framework to explore the nexus between overseas talents'transnational mobility patterns and their post-return career development in China,incorporating dimensions such as individual and family characteristics,motivations for mobility,and spatiotemporal experiences. Findings reveal the followings. ①Predominant patterns of transnational mobility among Chinese overseas talents,including a one-time return migration following studies or work abroad and a cyclical pattern involving settling abroad before returning for employment or entrepreneurship;②A significant impact of career-driven mobility on post-return career development,underscoring the need for acknowledging the continuity across pre- and post-mobility phases and individual mobility strategies;③An“inverted U-shape”relationship between talents'career development post-return and their duration of overseas residence,with a subsequent rise and fall in correlation with the length of return to China. Based on the findings above,this paper proposes a series of policy recommendations for optimizing the attraction of overseas talents and facilitating the growth and development of returning talents.
孙雨蕾, 吴瑞君. 海外人才的跨国流动模式及对其回流后职业发展的影响——基于上海市的实证分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(10): 166-177.
Sun Yulei, Wu Ruijun. Transnational Mobility Patterns of Overseas Talents from China and Their Impact on Career Development upon Returning ——Anempirical Analysis Based on Shanghai. , 2024(10): 166-177.
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