The Dilemma of “Low Quality,Low Efficiency” in Chinese Independent Innovation and the Strategy Research: Based on the Perspective of Global Value Chain Control
Hou Xianghan, Guo Wanshan
School of Economics,Liaoning University,Shenyang 110036,China
Abstract:The essence of the trade friction between China and the US is the friction on the technological advantage and the control and influence on the global value chains,and will generate a long-run influence on the characteristics and structures of the global value chains in the 21st century and the formation of new international rules.The quality and efficiency of the innovation of Chinese enterprises is causing greater attention,and is directly related to the future of the game between China and the US.Based on the micro data of Chinese listed manufacturing companies and the world input-output table data from WIOD and ADB databases,and using global value chain position as the target variable,this paper examines the“low quality,low efficiency”problem and its influence factors in the innovation in Chinese enterprises.The research results show the followings.R&D inputs can significantly raise the global value chain position,but the effect is mainly conducted through the bringing in of advanced technologies from foreign countries,and there is only limited effect from the independent innovation of domestic enterprises,indicating that the“low quality,low efficiency”characteristics in the independent innovation are apparent.Although FDI can help raise the influence of Chinese enterprises on the global value chains,it has a containment effect on the high-quality enterprise innovation.Moreover,enterprise sizes have a significant positive effect on raising the innovation ability of enterprises and the global value chain positions.The possibility that the government subsidy has already been in the“strategic innovation”trap cannot be eliminated.The state-owned property of enterprises has a negative effect on both enterprise innovation and the rise of global value chain position.Finally,this paper states the policy inspiration of the conclusions.
侯翔瀚, 郭万山. 中国式自主创新中的“低质低效”双低困境及对策研究——基于全球价值链控制力视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(11): 71-80.
Hou Xianghan, Guo Wanshan. The Dilemma of “Low Quality,Low Efficiency” in Chinese Independent Innovation and the Strategy Research: Based on the Perspective of Global Value Chain Control. , 2024(11): 71-80.
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