Research on the Theoretical Logic Construction of Modern Industrial System and Path Selection Based on the Perspective of New Quality Productive Forces
Liu Ru1, Wu Tingyu2, Li Jiayu3
1. Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Beijing 10038,China; 2. Hunan Institute of Scientific and Technical Information,Hunan Changsha 410000,China; 3. Science and Technology Information Institute of Beijing Academy of Science and Technology,Beijing 100044,China
Abstract:The era of strategic competition among great powers is an era of great adjustment and change in global industry.With the rise of populism,unilateralism,global governance deficit,escalating trade struggle and other uncertainties,traditional productive forces have been unable to meet the needs of high-quality development,the problem of industrial system construction rises to the same important status as high-quality development.How to construct modern industrial system supported and led by new quality productivity becomes the logical starting point of this paper.This paper first reveals the logical relationship of the new quality productivity in the construction of the modern industrial system,Explaining the impact and subversion of the new situation of economic globalization on the theory of value chain and the revision and breakthrough of the theory of value net of modern industrial system in the view of developing new qualitative productive forces,analyzing the problems existing in the development of our country's industrial chain,from the angle of developing new quality productivity,such as the motive force of innovation,the form factor of chain toughness,and the material cause of factors synergy,the purpose factor of value embodiment,putting forward the strategy of constructing modern industrial system.
刘如, 邬亭玉, 李佳娱. 现代化产业体系理论逻辑构建与路径选择研究——基于发展新质生产力的视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(12): 20-30.
Liu Ru, Wu Tingyu, Li Jiayu. Research on the Theoretical Logic Construction of Modern Industrial System and Path Selection Based on the Perspective of New Quality Productive Forces. , 2024(12): 20-30.
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