Abstract:Hubei Province,leveraging its own technological advantages and economic development needs,has explored a new path of developing new productivity quality with a“utilization-oriented”approach. By building a sci-tech innovation supply chain platform,the province aims to bridge the gap between the innovation and industrial chains. Based on both domestic and international innovation theories and Hubei's practical exploration,this paper proposes a framework model for the development of new productivity quality focused on utilization. It establishes four core systems:research and development,financial supply,government support,and service facilitation. This framework seeks to bring together effective market mechanisms and proactive government intervention to foster technological convergence,industrial conversion,talent attraction,and capital pooling,thus accelerating the cultivation of new productivity quality. The paper summarizes Hubei's practical exploration and progress in developing new productivity quality with a“utilization-oriented”approach and offers recommendations for further strengthening the R&D system,expanding financial supply,enhancing service facilitation,and optimizing government support,aiming to provide a reference for other regions.
肖松, 林洪, 梅雨晴, 王锦民, 李静. 湖北探索以“用”为导向发展新质生产力的案例研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2025(1): 34-41.
Xiao Song, Lin Hong, Mei Yuqing, Wang Jinmin, Li Jing. Case Study on Hubei's Exploration of“Use-oriented” Development of New Productive Forces. , 2025(1): 34-41.
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