The Knowledge Network Embedding of High-value Patents and High-Quality Development of Enterprises: the Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurial Behaviors
Peng Huatao1,2, HanYijia1, Fan Dan3
1. School of Management,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China; 2. School of Entrepreneurship,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China; 3. Shanghai Vocational College of Agriculture and Forestry,Shanghai 201699,China
Abstract:Based on social network theory,this paper selects 288 listed companies with high-value patents in the CNIPA database as research objects to explore the influence of knowledge network embedding of high-value patents on the high-quality development of enterprises and the moderating role of entrepreneurial behavior therein.The main conclusions are as follows.Both relational and structural embedding of high-value patents' knowledge network positively impact the high-quality development of enterprises;both portfolio entrepreneurial behavior and serial entrepreneurial behavior positively moderate the positive relationship between relational and structural embedding of high-value patents' knowledge network and high-quality development;international entrepreneurial behavior enhances the positive relationship between relational embedding of high-value patents' knowledge network and high-quality development of enterprises,but does not moderate the positive correlation between structural embedding of high-value patents' knowledge network and high-quality development.Furthermore,the impact of knowledge network embedding of high-value patents on the high-quality development of enterprises exhibits significant heterogeneity in terms of enterprise ownership and industry competition level.The research findings provide guidance for enterprises to actively cultivate high-value patents,construct a knowledge network centered on high-value patents,and achieve high-quality development.
彭华涛, 韩一佳, 范丹. 高价值专利知识网络嵌入与企业高质量发展:创业行为的调节作用[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2025(1): 78-87.
Peng Huatao, HanYijia, Fan Dan. The Knowledge Network Embedding of High-value Patents and High-Quality Development of Enterprises: the Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurial Behaviors. , 2025(1): 78-87.
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