Can Developing Economies Move Up the Global Value Chain Through “North-South”International R&D Cooperation
Huang Yanxi1, Zou Ziwei1, Zhang Tianxiang2
1. School of Economics,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China;
2. School of Insurance and Economics,University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029,China
Abstract:This paper theoretically analyses and empirically examines the effects and mechanisms of“North-South”international R&D cooperation on developing economies' position in the division of labor in global value chains,using OECD patent data on international R&D cooperation and the 2000—2018 World Input-Output Tables.The study shows that:①“North-South”international R&D cooperation reduces the global value chain division of labor status of developing economies and widens the relative value chain division of labor status gap between developing and developed economies.Further decomposition of the GVC position reveals that developing economies in the“North-South”international R&D co-operation undertake more downstream production links after R&D,increasing backward participation and dependence on imports of intermediate products,but significantly increasing the gains from trade in intermediate products.②“North-South”international R&D cooperation significantly contributes to the improvement of advanced economies' position in the division of labor in the global value chain by enhancing their forward participation.③Absorptive capacity and intellectual property protection mitigate the inhibitory effects of“North-South”international R&D cooperation on the GVC position and relative value chain position of developing economies,which should improve their GVC position and relative value chain position by increasing R&D investment.
黄艳希, 邹紫微, 章添香. 发展中经济体能否通过“南北”型国际研发合作提升全球价值链分工地位[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2025(2): 157-167.
Huang Yanxi, Zou Ziwei, Zhang Tianxiang. Can Developing Economies Move Up the Global Value Chain Through “North-South”International R&D Cooperation. , 2025(2): 157-167.
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