徐松鹤, 韩传峰, 平健
同济大学城市建设与应急管理研究所, 上海 200092
Three-dimensional Evaluation Model of Emergency Management Complexity
Xu Songhe, Han Chuanfeng, Ping Jian
Institute of Urban Construction and Emergency Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
摘要 本文运用物理学、数学、组织理论和信息论等理论方法, 从结构、职能、信息三维分析界定应急管理组织复杂性构成因子, 并各取3个尺度, 给出一种复杂性的评价方法, 建立了应急管理组织复杂性的三维评价模型。选取两种典型的应急管理组织, 实证其合理性、可行性, 提出应急管理组织优化策略, 为应急管理体系顶层设计提供理论支撑。
关键词 :
应急管理 ,
组织复杂性 ,
结构复杂性 ,
职能复杂性 ,
Abstract :This paper applies the theories and methods of the physics,mathematics,organization theory and information science to identify element of emergency management organizational complexity from three-dimensional analysis .This paper chooses three scales from each dimension,establishes a set of assessing the complexity and modules the three-dimensional modules.Used two typical emergency management organizations,this paper demonstrates the rationality and feasibility.This research tries to propose optimization strategy and provide theoretical support for the emergency management system
Key words :
Emergency management
Organizational complexity
Structural complexity
Functional complexity
Complexity of information
收稿日期: 2013-09-12
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支撑项目(91224003)。
作者简介 : 徐松鹤(1987-), 男, 河南商丘人, 管理学博士研究生; 研究方向: 管理系统与系统工程、应急管理。
徐松鹤, 韩传峰, 平健. 应急管理组织复杂性三维评价模型[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2014(6): 37-43.
Xu Songhe, Han Chuanfeng, Ping Jian. Three-dimensional Evaluation Model of Emergency Management Complexity. , 2014(6): 37-43.
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