Research on the Dynamic Identification Mechanism of Innovative Enterprise's Sustainable Innovation Opportunity
Duan Yunlong1, Yu Dongping1, Yang Lisheng2, Duan Yuncheng1
1.School of International Business,Yunnan University of Finance and Economics,Kunming 650221,China;
2.School of Career technology,Yunnan Nationality University,Kunming 650504,China
Abstract:Based on the innovative practices of the innovative enterprise in China,the paper points out that the importance of managing significant opportunity during the process of innovative enterprise's sustainable innovation,and analyzes the concept and theory basis of enterprise's sustainable innovation opportunity according to the current research on opportunity management and sustainable innovation. By defining the dynamic identification mechanism of innovative enterprise's sustainable innovation opportunity,the paper puts forward its dynamic identification mechanism from the five aspects,that is setting up the department of opportunity management,warning mechanism for external environment risk,mechanism of information management,mechanism of staff motivation,social network mechanism,so it can provide the theory basis for identifying and utilizing the opportunity during the process of innovative enterprise's sustainable innovation.
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