Abstract:This paper measures running efficiencies of higher educational institutions by constructing different input-output lag models,finds that hysteresis has no significant influence on efficiency measure.From two dimensional perspectives of efficiency and total factor productivity change,this paper analyzes the running performance of 72 higher educational institutions directly under ministry of education in 2005—2011 by DEA methods.The results indicate that there are large differences in running efficiencies and total factor productivities of higher educational institutions.There is an obvious gap between high level and moderate level efficiencies.The higher educational institutions whose average annual growth rates of total factor productivities exceed 3% are all located in eastern region.Although the average efficiency of specialist colleges is lower than those of comprehensive and technological ones,the average annual growth rate of total factor productivities of specialist colleges is higher
荣耀华. 教育部直属72所高校办学活动研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2014(6): 141-146.
Rong Yaohua. Study on the Running Activity of 72 Higher Educational Institutions Directly Under Ministry of Education. , 2014(6): 141-146.
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