The Influence of Knowledge Workers Personality Traits on Job Satisfaction
Zhao Wu1,Teng Xin1,Zhu Mingxuan1,Wang Rutao2
1.School of Economics and Management,Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,Xi'an 710071,China;
2.Information Science and Technology Department,Gansu Political Science and Law Institute,Lanzhou 730070,China
Abstract:This paper studies employees of the CLP Group,the Chinese Academy and other 8 research institutes.Using questionnaires and statistical analysis methods,it explores the state-owned research institutions of knowledge workers constitute personality dimensions impact on job satisfaction.which includes extraversion,agreeableness,conscientiousness,stability,openness.Study finds that knowledge workers personality and job satisfaction relationship between personality traits orientation on job satisfaction levels have certain prediction.Knowledge workers healthy personality can not be ignored,this factor should be included in research institutes,recruitment,appraisal and incentive systems
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