Evolution and Evaluation of Supporting Policy on Small and Medium Technology Firms
Bai Quanmin1, 3, Cui Lei2, Zhu Yunhai2
1.Science and Technology Development Strategic Studies Institute of Shandong Province, Jinan 250014, China; 2.Shandong Academy of Sciences, Jinan 250014, China; 3.Research Base for the Soft Science on Technological Innovation, Jinan 250014, China
Abstract:Content analysis method is used to study the 453 pieces of supporting policies to small and medium technology firms from 1998 to 2012.Main results are as follows.The growth in the number of policies to support small and medium technology firms is faster, Which shows a three-stage characteristics.Secondly, policy-making departments more diversified, and then coordination becomes more difficult.Thirdly, the number of financial policies is the largest, but the growth rate of regional environment and government service policies is large, which indicates that the mode of government services is changing.Finally, the supporting stage has changed from development and maturity period of the firms to the all stages, and it is apparently caused by the changing of government service mode.
白全民, 崔雷, 朱运海. 我国科技型中小企业发展政策演化特征及评价[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2014(8): 80-85.
Bai Quanmin, Cui Lei, Zhu Yunhai. Evolution and Evaluation of Supporting Policy on Small and Medium Technology Firms. , 2014(8): 80-85.
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