Abstract:Using grounded analysis,we systematically reviewed relevant literature on academic entrepreneurship in 187 papers during the years of 1990—2013 at home and abroad.First we put forward 908 codes and 13 concepts on the themes of actors and drivers of academic entrepreneurship.And then three types of actors were clarified and various drivers generalized from four dimensions of academic entrepreneurship.It suggested that future research should be focused on scholars' entrepreneurial behaviors,psychological mechanism and their effects on academic entrepreneurship performance.
姚飞, 胡静, 王国武, 陈树发, 牛萍娟. 基于文献扎根分析的学术创业主体与动因研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2014(9): 143-148.
Yao Fei,Hu Jing,Wang Guowu,Chen Shufa,Niu Pingjuan. Actors and Drivers of Academic Entrepreneurship:A Literature Review Based on Grounded Analysis. , 2014(9): 143-148.
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