Abstract:This paper brings out the food supply chain network including and displaying the organization network,information network and logistics network.Under the supply chain network,analyzing influence factor of food safety would be helpful for mining essential factors of food safety problems,besides more intuitive and expanding scope of food safety research.The essential factors include gaps and shortcomings of organization and coordination,information sharing and logistical support in food supply chain management.Aiming to the probability of occurrence and the degree of harm of defect food,the paper concludes systematic defect is the starting point and focus of food safety management.
潘文军, 王健. 食品安全问题研究:基于供应链网络视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2014(9): 155-160.
Pan Wenjun,Wang Jian. Study on Food Safety in the Perspective of Supply Chain Network. , 2014(9): 155-160.
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