Abstract:Under the assumption of the total amount of CES production function,this paper uses the standardized method of the supply side of the system to estimate the capital-labor substitution elasticity,growth rate of efficiency of factors,and Hicks index and Harold index of biased technological progress of provinces during the 1978—2012.The results show that the elasticity of substitution range from 0.716 to 2.752.But in most provinces,factor substitution elasticity is slightly less than 1,the capital and labor were complementary.On average,the growth rate of labor efficiency in provinces is generally greater.
孙焱林,温湖炜. 中国省际技术进步偏向测算与分析:19782012年[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2014(11): 120-125.
Sun Yanlin,Wen Huwei. Estimation and Analysis on Biased Technical Progress of between provinces:1978—2012. , 2014(11): 120-125.
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